Monday, September 27, 2010

The bad guy would be Charle because he shot peter von horn in the face and everybody is saying that he is a allion and I would beleive it because the way the play unroled out the plot he was the bad guy in the story not the kid not the othor adults him Charle .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The most level headed person there would be in my opion is Steve becuse he is not the one who shot peter van horn and just because he was the coolest person in the charcter out of them all and it made me mad because he got punched in the face and didnt do anything about it he just took it if that was me I would beat a person down this is what I think he looks like

Monday, September 20, 2010

Field Artillery is my main occupation and thats what I have to go to AIT for which AIT stands for is advance indivule tranning and thats what im going to do this next summer and then I am renewing my contract for 20 years so I can make a carreer out of it so I dont have to worry about working the rest of my life and if I do want to do something else than I can cause I will be only 38 and half my life left.

Photo from

I just recently got back from basic tranining and thats one thing that best repersernts me because I have diclipin and integitty and the other seven army values. The seven army values make the soldier and the soldier has to live by them everyday no matter the case. The army is not for everybody but it is for me.

Photo from google.images/armystrong

Whats up, this is money not a lot to talk about just doing this for a class assignment so peace out.

Photo from